What's on

Clubs and classes

If you're interested in setting up a regular session, we welcome all kinds of groups and activities and the usual hiring process applies, please see the hire page.

Llandogo Early Years

Running every weekday in termtime and founded in 2007, Llandogo Early Years provides high quality preschool education for Llandogo and the surrounding communities.

Llandogo Early Years is open to all children from the age of 2 until school starting age. We offer sessions every weekday from 9-3.  The sessions offer a mix of indoor and outdoor activities using a child initiated approach. 

The group is an approved setting for LEA funded nursery vouchers.  For more information see the website or contact Rachel Davies on 07786 831401.


Every Tuesday evening, 6-7pm

Contact Barbara Heys on llandogohall@gmail.com for more information or to join the regular badminton session.

History Group

2nd Monday of alternating months

Village Produce Association (VPA)

Interested in growing Fruit and Vegetables?

The Village Produce Association (VPA) meet on the 1st  Wednesday of every month in the Village hall. Members and Visitors are always very welcome. Fees are only £5.00 per person per annum.

We have informative talks, Garden Visits, BBQ, Annual Show, Harvest Festival and Christmas Dinner evenings throughout the year.

The Annual Village show has something for everyone. Held in August with entrances for Craft, Flower Arranging, Baking, Fruit and Veg. Adult and Children’s sections only 40p and 20p for children. With Free Entrance, a raffle and other small competitions. Refreshments and a stall selling local grown produce, plants and flowers. A great day out.

For furthers details please contact Pauline Nichol on 01291 628283.

Llandogo Women's Institute (WI)

The second Weds of every month at 7:30pm. 

The WI isn't just for retired ladies!  Llandogo has an active WI with members ranging in age from 29 to 90+.  We meet every second Wednesday of the month at 7:30pm for a talk or demo, accompanied by a few glasses of wine, and we also have an active book club, craft club, walking club and ambling club.  Ladies can come to talks as a visitor for £4 per month for up to three visits, or you can join the WI for £41 per year.  

See the programme of talks here or use the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/llandogoWI or contact Jill Rundle on 01594 531196 for more information.


The third Weds of every month at 7:30pm.

Entrance costs 50p (which includes half-time refreshments), books of 10 x 6 games are £3.00 (you can buy as few or as many as you can handle!) and the final flyer also costs £3.00.  The payouts depend on the number of people joining in.  We also hold a raffle.  All profits go to the village hall.  We also hold special Christmas and Easter bingo sessions which are usually advertised during the run up to both occasions.

We have been running for over 15 years and welcome anyone who wants to come along and have some fun and maybe a win!  Just turn up!


Every Friday morning in Llandogo School term time from 8:45-11:45am.

​Come along to the friendly Llandogo cafe, with plenty of cake and hot drinks!  Just turn up!

Llandogo Film Night

The third Friday of every month (fourth Friday in December) at 7:30pm.

Showing recent releases in high quality in the lovely atmosphere of the Hall!

£4 entry for adults, £3 for under 16s.  Licenced bar and popcorn for sale.

Whist Drive

The fourth Friday of every month (third Friday in December) at 7:30pm.

Can you play whist?  Come along to our monthly whist drive which is part of a series of whist drives in the local area on Friday evenings.  Contact Jan Harrison on 01594 530660 for more information, or just come along!

Refreshments and cakes served halfway through and some lovely prizes!